module Wice::Controller

Protected Instance Methods

export_grid_if_requested(opts = {}) { || ... } click to toggle source

export_grid_if_requested is a controller method which should be called at the end of each action containing grids with enabled CSV export.

CSV export will only work if each WiceGrid helper is placed in a partial of its own (requiring it from the master template of course for the usual flow). export_grid_if_requested intercepts CSV export requests and evaluates the corresponding partial with the required grid helper. By default for each grid export_grid_if_requested will look for a partial whose name follows the following pattern:


For example, a grid named orders is supposed to be found in a template called _orders_grid.html.erb, Remember that the default name of grids is grid.

This convention can be easily overridden by supplying a hash parameter to export_grid_if_requested where each key is the name of a grid, and the value is the name of the template (like it is specified for render, i.e. without ‘_’ and extensions):

export_grid_if_requested(:grid => 'orders', 'grid2' => 'invoices')

If the request is not a CSV export request, the method does nothing and returns false, if it is a CSV export request, the method returns true.

If the action has no explicit render call, it’s OK to just place export_grid_if_requested as the last line of the action. Otherwise, to avoid double rendering, use the return value of the method to conditionally call your render :

export_grid_if_requested || render(:action => 'index')

It’s also possible to supply a block which will be called if no CSV export is requested:

export_grid_if_requested do
 render(:action => 'index')
# File lib/wice/wice_grid_controller.rb, line 108
def export_grid_if_requested(opts = {})
  grid = self.wice_grid_instances.detect(&:output_csv?)

  if grid
    template_name = opts[] || opts[]
    template_name ||= + '_grid'
    temp_filename = render_to_string(:partial => template_name)
    temp_filename = temp_filename.strip
    filename = (grid.csv_file_name || ) + '.csv'
    send_file_rails2 temp_filename, :filename => filename, :type => 'text/csv'
    grid.csv_tempfile = nil
    yield if block_given?
initialize_grid(klass, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Creates a grid object to be used in the view. This is the main model, and the underlying table is the default table - if in other parameters a column name is mentioned without the name of the table, this table is implied. Just like in an ordinary ActiveRecord find you can use :joins, :include, and :conditions.

The first parameter is an ActiveRecord class name or an ActiveRecord::Relation instance. The generated ActiveRecord call will use it as the receiver of the paginate method: klass.paginate(...)

The second parameters is a hash of parameters:

  • :joins - ActiveRecord :joins option.

  • :include - ActiveRecord :include option.

  • :conditions - ActiveRecord :conditions option.

  • :per_page - Number of rows per one page. The default is 10.

  • :page - The page to show when rendering the grid for the first time. The default is one, naturally.

  • :order - Name of the column to sort by. Can be of a short form (just the name of the column) if this is a column of the main table (the table of the main ActiveRecord model, the first parameter of initialize_grid), or a fully qualified name with the name of the table.

  • :order_direction - :asc for ascending or :desc for descending. The default is :asc.

  • :name - name of the grid. Only needed if there is a second grid on a page. The name serves as the base name for HTTP parametes, DOM IDs, etc. The shorter the name, the shorter the GET request is. The name can only contain alphanumeruc characters.

  • :enable_export_to_csv - <Enable export of the table to CSV. Read the How-To to learn what else is needed to enable CSV export.

  • :csv_file_name - Name of the exported CSV file. If the parameter is missing, the name of the grid will be used instead.

  • :csv_field_separator - field separator for CSV files. The default is defined in CSV_FIELD_SEPARATOR in the config file.

  • :custom_order - used for overriding the ORDER BY clause with custom sql code (for example, including a function). The value of the parameter is a hash where keys are fully qualified names of database columns, and values the required chunks of SQL to use in the ORDER BY clause, either as strings or Proc object evaluating to string. See section 'Custom Ordering' in the README.

  • :saved_query - id of the saved query or the query object itself to load initially. Read section "Saving Queries How-To" in README for more details.

  • :after - defined a name of a controller method which would be called by the grid after all user input has been processed, with a single parameter which is a Proc object. Once called, the object returns a list of all records of the current selection throughout all pages. See section "Integration With The Application" in the README.

  • :total_entries - If not specified, will_paginate will run a select count

  • :select - ActiveRecord :select option. Please do not forget that :select is ignored when :include is present. It is unlikely you would need :select with WiceGrid, but if you do, use it with care :)

  • :group - ActiveRecord :group option. Use it if you are sure you know what you are doing :)

  • :with_paginated_resultset - a callback executed from within the plugin to process records of the current page. Can be a lambda object or a controller method name (symbol). The argument to the callback is the array of the records.

  • :with_resultset - a callback executed from within the plugin to process all records browsable through all pages with the current filters. Can be a lambda object or a controller method name (symbol). The argument to the callback is a lambda object which returns the list of records when called. See the README for the explanation.

Defaults for parameters :per_page, :order_direction, and :name can be changed in lib/wice_grid_config.rb, this is convenient if you want to set a project wide setting without having to repeat it for every grid instance.

# File lib/wice/wice_grid_controller.rb, line 68
def initialize_grid(klass, opts = {})
  wg =, self, opts)
  self.wice_grid_instances = [] if self.wice_grid_instances.nil?
  self.wice_grid_instances << wg
wice_grid_custom_filter_params(opts = {}) click to toggle source

wice_grid_custom_filter_params generates HTTP parameters understood by WiceGrid custom filters. Combined with Rails route helpers it allows to generate links leading to grids with pre-selected custom filters.


  • :grid_name - The name of the grid. Just like parameter :name of initialize_grid, the parameter is optional, and when absent, the name 'grid' is assumed

  • :attribute and :model - should be the same as :attribute and :model of the column declaration with the target custom filter.

  • :value - the value of the column filter.

# File lib/wice/wice_grid_controller.rb, line 138
def wice_grid_custom_filter_params(opts = {})
  options = {:grid_name => 'grid',
             :attribute => nil,
             :model => nil,
             :value => nil}

  [:attribute, :value].each do |key|
    raise"wice_grid_custom_filter_params: :#{key} is a mandatory argument") unless options[key]

  attr_name = if options[:model]
    unless options[:model].nil?
      options[:model] = options[:model].constantize if options[:model].is_a? String
      raise"Option :model can be either a class or a string instance") unless options[:model].is_a? Class
    options[:model].table_name + '.' + options[:attribute]

  {"#{options[:grid_name]}[f][#{attr_name}][]" => options[:value]}