What’s new in WiceGrid

The following features have just been merged into the master branch of WiceGrid:

1) Support for Rails 2.3.8 with or without rails_xss.

2) Auto-reloading filters. Filters can be configured to reload the grid once they get changed without clicking the Reload button. This works for dropdown lists, text fields, and the JS calendar ( not with the standard Rails date/datetime helpers). See an example here. Read the documentation.

3) New helper export_to_csv_javascript which works in a fashion similar to submit_grid_javascript and reset_grid_javascript, generating javascript which would trigger CSV export. This enables custom “Export To CSV” buttons anywhere on page.

4) Option :hide_csv_button to complement export_to_csv_javascript and to hide the default CSV button.

5) New techniques to set up callbacks and access objects from outside the grid, to replace the old method WiceGrid#selected_records and the parameter :after which were a bit of a mess. The new methods are:

  • current_page_records returning records on the current page. See an example here.
  • all_pages_records returning records browsable throughout all pages. See an example here.
  • :with_paginated_resultset – callback to process records on the current page. See an example here.
  • :with_resultset – callback to process records browsable throughout all pages. See an example here.

Read more in the documentation.